Wednesday, April 10, 2024

TS2 - Legacy Cove - Week 28 - 3 Bamboo Blvd

 TS2 - Legacy Cove

Week 28

3 Bamboo Blvd

     Yardley Panda and his family were spicy last week.  Lots of fires and chaos.  And they are such an unassuming family.  Thankfully they were much kinder to me this week.  Allow me to finally present them on their best behavior!


Dr Yardley Panda
Fortune - Aquarius - Nature nut

Kayla (Fancey) Panda
Knowledge - Libra - Arts & Crafts
Owner of Fancey Panda Pottery

Shawn Panda
Knowledge - Sagittarius - Nature nut

Noelle (Garth) Panda
Family - Pisces - Arts & Crafts
Wedding Photographer

Shayla Panda
Popularity - Scorpio - Sports fan

Sebastian Panda
Knowledge - Sagittarius - Nature nut

Yang & Fleur 


Monday really started off with a good surprise.   Thanks to Yvonne and her household visiting, Shayla got her 20th best friend and fulfilled her LTW.  

Shoutout to her distant cousin Yoren for being the 20th friend!   I was actually surprised they weren't BF's before this as Shayla and Yoren's brother Yorwyck have been BFFs for a while.  Probably thanks to their shared love of sports.  But all the same!

Yoren was a busy guy Monday.  He was making new best friends left and right.

Yardley is very playful and nice, yet he's so laid back and stays out of the limelight.  He's a good Sim.  But his relationships with the great-niblings is slacking.


So I bought Yardley a truck.  He's worked hard, at his career and at home.  He deserves a big truck.  

You may think Kayla is out there because she was interested in the new vehicle but no.  She was bird watching.  

If you need to know, showing your boss the game is not a good idea.  Shawn and I have really bad luck with his chance cards.

Oooops!  Sorry Shawn!   

Luckily he's already perma-plat from meeting his first LifeTimeWant, so his new career path is just for him to have something to do and stay out of my hair.  


He doesn't mind.  He might even think it's funny.

I suspect he was playing Farmville, because he's not much of a gamer.  And honestly, I don't see why his boss was upset about that.

Noelle works on her sewing skill in her spare time.  She's finally up to her silver sewing badge and making curtains!  

I don't think I've ever gotten a Sim to a gold sewing badge so I'm excited for her.  

I even had the nature nuts stock some oranges in the juicer so she can make some orangeade.  

Meanwhile... downstairs.

Shayla and Rocco aren't very shy about PDA.  Grandma Kayla is a bit old school though, it seems.

I'm pretty sure these two will end up together after uni.  Rocco will be a week ahead of her though, so there's room for chaos to interfere in our plans...

Rocco's household is next on the playlist and I can't wait to see why he's been mad at himself all week!  

I think he's actually still mad at my nephew Lucian because of their little slapfest over the summer.  

The Pandas did gift him some strawberries though so we can juice the fury out of him!


I don't think Yardley & Kayla's bedroom has really been updated since it was first built.

It's time to fix that!

I kept some things the same.  Mostly I just added some new furniture and decor.  

Some plants for nature-loving Yardley and I'll add more artwork soon for Kayla.  

There's two of Kayla's own paintings in here.  And I doubt she'll ever use that vanity but it looks nice.

I downloaded the apple lamp off ModtheSims.  It's cute!  And perfect for their room!


Why can't I just ignore them!

Oh.  Well, it worked out this time!

Shawn is once again a theorist.

One day he'll finally make it to Mad Scientist.  One day.

The nicest part was that he came home early and got to take care of the garden and start raking.  Yardley's getting too old for all that back-bending labor.  He's mostly in charge of gathering compostable materials these days.

Something about the kitchen makes these two very handsy.

PS - I hope their baby/babies get his nose and her mouth & eyes.

Maybe they are in the kitchen because Noelle is studying for a promotion in the living room?  

If she's promoted, she won't have to wake up so dang early.  Currently the carpool arrives at 8am sharp.  

I'm not a morning person and neither is Noelle!

Yardley also gets to spend time fishing.  He's using up his vacation days and getting ready to retire.

But I can't let him fish too much because the meals from the fish are way too filling.  Everyone is getting fat off fresh food and produce!


This week I've been letting some of the employed adults skip work for Thanksgiving.  But Shawn and Noelle don't have many vacation days.   

Plus, we felt lucky.  Congrats on your second LifeTimeWant, Shawn!!

It's a double hitter, with Noelle also coming home with a promotion!

Her LTW is to have 6 grandchildren.  Which I'm not sure will happen...

But we do definitely have lots to be thankful for today!

Kayla cooked a gorgeous turkey!  I didn't even know she was such a good cook, to be honest.  

And don't worry, she just has RBF.  She's not mad at having to cook.  Honestly, I got a buffet for most of the Sims and had her make the turkey more for show.  Only a few were hungry enough to eat this sparkling bird.

The whole Panda family was in attendance.   The teens beelined for the buffet when it was served.

With some of these families, I really need to add in some extra seating options for their family gatherings.

Usually it's Shayla at everyone else's house pitching in to clean or do yardwork without being asked.

But here Rocco is helping rake up leaves.  I swear, these two are perfect for each other!  

Be still, my heart!

The adults did finally come get some food.  Yvonne thinks she's hungry, I guess.  She got some of the sparkling turkey before I put it away.

Yes, I put it away.  Because this is why so many Sims in the neighborhood are fat.  Does someone know a mod that will have them stop eating when they are full???

Yardley is still trying to work on his relationship scores with the great-nieces and nephews.   

Valerie is happy to chill on the couch but Vera keeps trying to go play in the water wriggler.  She did feel okay talking to Uncle Yardley about her crush though!


Finally the day has come!

Yardley retires and our local doctor population is down to just one, I think.

Caden Chauncellor is a specialist.  Zakki Wolosenko is Chief of Staff but maybe she's filling in as a doc some days since her staff is only one doc.

I guess there's some townie docs too.

In other news.. I have a crazy NEED for Yang to have offspring.  But turns out, Yang and Fleur are distant cousins and FYI the extended family mod does seem to apply to the pets.  D'oh! 

So I tried inviting Rocco over with his dog Lyric but I couldn't get a try-for-puppy option.  Which is weird because Yang's littermate Ying mated with Lyric's brother Linus?

Anyway, meet Kanga!

Yang has basically a day to woo her and get her knocked up with some pups.

Time to get sniffing and playing, doggos!

All week I've forgotten to invite the Headmaster over.  Sebastian has a Want locked to get into private school.

So sure, let's throw a visit from Headmaster Riley into the mix. 

First.  We keep him away from Shayla.  She doesn't act like it often, but she's mean.  How she got one nice point when everyone else is nice, is Sim-DNA logic.  And I'm not the Mad Scientist here to figure it out.

Step two though is for Sebastian to hang out with the Headmaster.  With a pile of leaves between them.

Oh, did I mention all of the extended cousins are over?

Anyway, they've hung out (which gives good schmooze points), done a tour of the house, and now it's time for Noelle's amazing ..... sandwiches.

Cross your fingers, guys and gals!

Amazingly, the sandwiches were his favorite part!  Maybe because of all that fresh produce straight from the garden.

The schmooze points before dinner were actually 15, so someone got it knocked down to 11 at dinner.  They still prevailed!

Welcome to private school, Shayla and Sebastian!

Later, I've had Sebastian drinking a lot of eggplant juice for random skill points.  But he'll specifically need creativity and charisma for his LifeTimeWant to become a Media Magnate.  

He's platinum right now thanks to getting into private school but the noodle soother still zapped him??  What the heck.

Meanwhile, while Sebastian is losing (YES LOSING) skill points outside the art room, Kayla has finished a nice portrait of Yardley fishing.

That's a keeper! 
(Both the fish and the painting.)


Aside from the issue with the noodle soother, Sebastian is having a great week.

He's finally got his silver gardening badge!  He's a third generation gardener and so he has to share with his granddad and dad.  

Yang came through on getting Kanga to join him in the doghouse.  And I heard the lullabye so we'll have a Yang Jr soon!

Just one pup, because there's a total of 9 in the household already.

Now it's time to invite over the neighborhood teens to hang out!

Y'all, when I say my eyes bugged out, MY EYES BUGGED OUT!

Do you know how many outgoing points Zyler has?   ZERO.  He has ZERO.

And he's giving a backrub to one of the most eligible bachelorettes of his generation (everyone's got lightning bolts for Ulva!)

Sadly for Zyler, Ulva has 3 bolts with brothers Yoren and Yorwyck.  And only two for Zyler.

From Ulva's own relationship panel, Yoren might be her future husband.  Which I would actually like, because there's so few Gen 5 nature Sims and Yoren's house has a garden just waiting for a new nature nut after Pearly leaves for Grim Isle.

Sebastian, like his grandpa and being both playful and nice, really needs to boost his relationships with a couple of his peers.  

Kicky bag is a perfect game to knock a few of 'em out at the same time.  

Zyler is already out, but Trace and Rocco are still in the game, with Valerie rooting them on!

Oh!  OH!  Oh my!

Wait, it's not Sebastian she's heart-farting for... It's Uncas!

Well, that's interesting.  I'll see how that plays out but this could be another great love match!


I know you may all think I freak out about this but once you've had a whole neighborhood shut down due to a roach flu pandemic, you'll know the panic I get.

This is like the third house that can't properly dispose of their compostables.

Luckily, I learned something at the last house.  Now we know they gotta be sprayed three times.  NO STOMPING.

Just spraying.

Thank you, Uncas.  I appreciate you helping.  As long as you don't get the flu.

Sims:  2
Bugs:  0


That corner behind Yardley looked awfully dull and bare.

So I added some windows and used some of Noelle's new curtains to hang over them.

The room looks brighter and nicer now.


"Did you still bring out the exterminator?" 

Yes, I sure did.  One, I'm paranoid.  And two, he's just so darn cute!

... I wonder if he's compatible with my Sim-self...

Otherwise, it's their lazy day today.  Play with the dogs, work on skills and/or hobbies, make a few phone calls to boost relationships outside the house..

Yang got some extra attention though this morning.

Because he's lived a long, happy life.  It's time.  

Oh, Yang.

Yang was born at Yvette & Yeva's home (Yardley's oldest sister and his twin sister, respectively) to Penny and Yeti.  

I hope he's not like his momma and haunting the ever-living piss out of everyone.  He's been a sweet dog, but so was Penny.   Worst case, I move his grave to the Panda's pet graveyard and put him near his momma.

Yang is survived by his younger littermate Ying.

Some of the teens stayed last night hanging out on the couch and playing chess.  So he got a crowd to see him off.

He was on good terms with everyone in the household. 

But most definitely, he was Yardley's dog.  

Bittersweet, but I expect Yardley to join his pup next week on Grim Isle.

Shawn afterwards spent time teaching Kanga the command to "Come Here", then picked out her collar.

She's a pretty lil redhead and I can't wait to see her & Yang's puppy!

Noelle got to spend some time at her sewing machine, and FINALLY!  I have a Sim with a gold sewing badge!  

I want to thank the orangeade for helping her to get here this quickly!

Next week, I'll finally see what's what about the custom outfits!


I know I said I can't wait, but somewhere I've added a mod that speeds up the dog pregnancy and the timing is always so random!

Her name is Karma.   

And NOW I can't wait for her to grow up next week to see what coat traits she inherited from her parents.  So far, that dark brown is from her daddy.  🤎


     Well, that should about wrap it u...... 

     Did anyone else hear that?  Sounded like a car door shutting...

     Shayla had a locked Want to sneak out with Rocco that I kept forgetting about all week.  But I'm pretty sure he's off to Uni at the end of this week so it's now or never!

     Now we wait to see if she gets caught or comes home safe and sound.

     Say, did you guys see the eclipse?  I fell asleep right at the start here, and we were in the 90% totality range.  Saw a lot of pictures though.  Been a crazy week, with tornados here, earthquake in the north east, an eclipse... Oh, here she is!

     She's home and not chaperoned by Officers Miceli or Gonzaga!  That's our girl!  Now get to bed, Shayla!   You have school in a few hours and it's your first day at private school.   

     Winter is moving in, so off I go to the next house.  Which is Shayla's boyfriend Rocco along with his parents!  

Thank you for reading!  And if you are reading this, then congratulations on not frying your eyeballs while watching the eclipse!  Happy Simming!
